Tuesday, January 9, 2007

The beginning...

Frodo here (that's me in the front of the picture with my goofy cousin behind me, wooing her head off as usual)... my Mom said that she's been reading a lot of these 'blog' things lately, and that with my wit and sarcastic nature, I'd be a good 'blogger'. I figured what the fur, I've got a few interesting things to say. And since I AM a husky, the king of all dog breeds, what I have to say may inspire some (and strike fear into the hearts of others). Plus, I'm hoping that this 'blogging' (what a weird name for something that's just basically talking...) will give me credits towards becoming a member of HULA (Husky United Liberation Army). I am in training to become a master manipulator currently, as well as a Husky Ninja (more on that later) and wish to pass on my knowledge to this fantastic organization in hopes of assisting Huskies everywhere in taking over the world.

First off, I'd like to send a shout out to some fellow rescue huskies, Loki and Sam, the step-brothers of Meeshka from Meeshka's World blog. Mom says Meeshka is who inspired her to have me start my own blog as us rescue dogs don't get enough respect. (No offense Meeshka, as I think you are the righteous Queen of the blog!) Loki and I met once at a rescue 'function', and we tried to impress our Moms by showing how tough we were and getting all snarky with each other, but humans don't know impressive displays when they see them, so they made us stop. {rolls eyes} Whatever.

I have to go (time to patrol the house for burglers, hidden squeaky balls and bugs) , but I'll try to post more if I can get on the computer tonight when Mom is having something called a Bar-Bee-Que. Don't know what that is exactly, but she cleaned the house, which means lots of people coming over (although, it also sometimes means she bored, or angry, or avoiding doing something else... who knows with this woman, she's a clean freak). So, lots of people coming over means lots of food. And since most people are just big Suckers, they have a tendency to give me the food. I haven't quite mastered Meeska's 'look cute and fluffy' to get food from the Suckers, as I'm not very fluffy. Normally I practice my Husky Ninja Zen techniques when the humans have food, and ignore them completely (all part of the plan to manipulate them), but when the non-husky savvy Suckers come over, I just can't resist. I mean, seriously, huskies can tell the difference between a husky savvy person and a Sucker from a MILE away. It's like they have a big 'S' on their forehead or something. Anyway, they'll give me food, none the wiser that I am not a typicaldog. It's nice to get a break from my training every once and a while. Mastering the true Husky Ninja Zen is not easy, let me tell you...
Later, Frodo


Anonymous said...

I'm Raisa, the husky bloggers ring manager. I have just added you to the ring.
Welcome to the pack of Husky writers! Your blog is quite nice!
Licks :P

Deanna said...

Welcome to blogging, ninja-master!

Ender said...

Welcome to the dogblogosphere! You seem smart, a typical husky trait, I believe.

look forward to reading more!