Friday, February 9, 2007

Story of me (part 5): the final foster dog tales

Sorry it's been so long since my last post. Mom hasn't let me get on the laptop lately (I need to get my own).

So, where was I? I think I left off with Ostara being adopted (thank GOD). It was a bit before we got another foster, and this time it was a boydog. But, not a fullhusky, a huskymix like Stout. His name was Lager (Mom has a thing for naming dogs after beer apparently). He was pretty cool, but he did spend most of his time at Stout's house. See, Lager really didn't like being in his dog box (in fact, one time he jumped around in there so much he gave himself a concussion... DUH!), and since Stout's Dad was home more during the day, Lager went to stay with him and Stout. I got to go too most of the time, but they're both bigger than me, so I got tired of being knocked around while they wrestled... (that's Stout on the left looking crazy.) Lager didn't stay very long as a family came to adopt him a few weeks later. He was one of the better ones, though...

So, after Lager, the rescue Mom helped had an emergency with a lot of Huskies that needed to find foster homes. See, Stout, Branwen and Ostara, plus all the other huskies that stayed with us for a day or two) were all through the rescue Mom helped with, Tails of the Tundra. That's the rescue where I came from (you can see my story here). But Pippin and Lager were both from local shelters that Mom also helped. When Mom heard that all these huskies needed help, she decided that we'd get another foster, girldog or boydog, whoever needed it the most (and I got long with okay). We had to drive really really far to this place where they had a big fenced in yard for me to run around. And it was just like in my adoption! They would bring the huskies out one by one and introduce us to each other to see if we got along (there were other foster families there too trying to find fosterdogs). I got to meet 4 dogs that day. The first dog, a boydog, I didn't like at all. He was kinda mean and hyper. The next dog, a girldog, was also pretty hyper, so much so that she didn't even want to sniff me, she just kept running and running around. The next dog was a boydog who was pretty cool. We got along really well, but he was still kinda snarfy with me. Mom thought it might just be from being cooped up so much, so we considered him. The next dog was a girldog, and I was afraid of her before she even came in the yard. She looked at me thorough the fence and said in dogspeak 'I'm gonna get you.' Seriously!!! It was creepy! I started to bark and yap at her through the fence to tell her off, and Mom almost didn't let her in, but she was so little and harmless looking (HA), that they brought her in anyway. Turns out she was all talk, 'cause we ran around a bit and she didn't do anything. She was actually a big scardydog.

So, who did Mom choose to be my next foster sibling? Can you guess????


Althea said...

Please tell me who the next foster dog was. The anticipation is killing me.

The Brat Pack said...

Hurry with the next installment!

The Brat Pack

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Wow, your blog has more cliffhangers than Grey's Anatomy, that show on the box that our parents watch! Maybe you should make your life a TV show! We'd watch.

Steve and Kat

Mary-Margaret O'Brien said...

So very nice to meet you, Mr. Frodo. Your mom sounds really nice and very special to adopt all those pups. I'm an only child and I wish I had a brother or sister but Mom says I'm about all she can handle. Can you imagine that?
I have other Husky friends. Do you mind having a little girl Yorkie for a friend? Huh? Huh?

Love, Mary-Margaret

The Army of Four said...

Wowzers! You can't leave us hanging like that!
Play bows,
PS: We added your link to our cool pals sidebar; hope you don't mind!

Khady Lynn said...

Hey Frodo! I see you are the newest HULA member! Congratulations, I know you definitely earned it!

BTW, who IS you newest foster! The suspense is killing us!

We love TOTTSHR too, we always give donations and buy stuff when they have their e-bay auctions. My human is a member of Sibernet, and has also participated in TOTTSHR's annual husky walk (as a long distance commuter of course!)


Althea said...

Hey Mr. Baggins,

Your fans are waiting for the rest of the foster dog story.
