Friday, June 22, 2007

Dunkie got beat up by a girl!!!

So, remember how I told you stoopid Puppybrain likes to take stuff from me? Well, turns out he bit off more than he could chew with another dog. The other weekend when Clemmie was over for the Tiki Party, Mom gave us chewies to occupy us for a bit when the humans were getting ready. Dunkie, like the big doof he is, kept trying to get Clemmie's chewy 'cause she wasn't eating it. I told him not to, and SHE told him not to (as you can see from the picture), but he didn't listen, so she whooped his ass! (Somthing funny about Clemmie is she and I have never gotten in a fight. Not even snarfy over treats or toys. She let's me have whatever I want, and I do the same for her. Mom is flabbergasted by the whole thing as every other female Husky I've been around, I've gotten into horrible fights with. I dunno... Clemmie's cool. But she doesn't put up with much from other dogs, just me!) The humans tried to stop him, but then, sometimes humans need to let us learn things in dog language, and turns out Clemmie would teach him better than they could (and they knew she wouldn't really hurt him). He did get some scrapes on his face, tho'. But hey, makes him look tough.


Anonymous said...

Oh Dunkie.. sometimes a pup has to learn on his own!!! Wow, that sure was a lip snarl that you got!!!

H.A. Turbofire, Sibertarian said...

That's a fantastic wolfie face! That Clemmie!

Khady Lynn said...

I had to show everyone who is boss here too. Sometimes that's what it takes. I had a few skirmishes with Abby and Kona, but they soon learned that I have to be in charge, so now all is well, and we get along fabulously!


IndyPindy said...

Awww, well, I think Dunkie learned, and won't try that with Clemmie again!