Friday, January 12, 2007

Falsified photo

Okay, this is obviously a hoax. There is no way this is an actual Chihuahua Ninja as a REAL ninjadog would never allow themselves to be photographed.

Sheesh... the lengths lesserdogs will go to in order to imitate greatness...

In fact, there is substantial evidence that Chihuahuas are scheming with Cats to form an elite fighting force (Ha. That's funny... as if Chihuahua's can do anything other than shiver and look remarkably like squeaky toys). Now, every true Ninja knows that you never give out Ninja training secrets to those not qualified to wield the immense power that being a Ninja entails, so that fact that the Cats are giving this information to stoopid dummy Chihuahua's is proof that they can't be trusted (and are quite shy of logical thought... but we already knew that all felines had a screw loose).


Maverick the Pirate said...

Harrr Matey, Cap'n Maverick the Pirate here. Ye be doing good at the ninja stuff.

Cap'n Maverick the Pirate

D'Azul Siberian said...

We've been having problems with those CATS here too. We captured a C(un)IA spy yesterday but he would not talk despite our interrogation techniques.

The D'Azul Siberians